Sunday, December 16, 2007

Titanium Art

One of the interesting features of titanium is how it can be anodized to produce some gorgeous colors and patterns. Mr. Titanium has some incredible designs and his site is definitely worth a visit! Some of the designs are pretty funky and many are one of a kind. There is also detailed information on what titanium is, how titanium is worked and anodized, and how to get the tools to do that.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Magnetic Money Clip?

No! The reason why is that they can ruin your magnetic strip on your credit cards or bank cards. It happended to someone I know. There are still many magnetic money clips on the market and they work fine unless you use then to carry cards with magnetic strips. This is something to take into consideration. An alternative is a Titanium money clip. The springy nature of titanium makes the clip hold tightly to your last dollar bill.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Use a titanium money clip as your business card!

Looking for a high end business card for important clients? Using a laser engraved titanium money clip might be just the idea for you! Money clips are a practical and commonly used accessory that fits great in a suit pocket. By giving your key customers an item they will have in hand several times a day and by puting your key contact information such as phone number or website address along with your logo you can be sure to be in their thoughts more often than if they did not have the money clip.

Promotional Money Clips

Visit Superior Titanium today and ask us how we can help!

Cure for the George Costanza Wallet Syndrome

For those of your who are Seinfeld fans you may remember the episode where Jerry is holding up George's wallet and holding up a hamburger for comparison.

(Jerry is holding up a hamburger while also holding onto George's wallet)

JERRY: But look at this thing. It's-it's huge. You got more cow here than here.

GEORGE: I need everything in there.

(Jerry looking through George's wallet)

JERRY: Irish money?

GEORGE: I might go there.

And later on....

(George, taking out his wallet to pay the bill)

GEORGE: Well, I'm satisfied. back is...killing me.

JERRY: Of course. Because of that wallet. You-you got a filing cabinet under half of your ass.

(George putting his wallet in his pocket)

GEORGE: an organizer, a secretary, and a friend.

Look at you. You're on a slant.

Here, just give me a couple of napkins.

(He pulls some napkins out of the dispenser, puts them in his other back pocket, and becomes "un-slanted")

GEORGE: There, there I'm fine.

(Suddenly, half of George's body falls with a crunch sound, as he becomes slanted the other way)

JERRY: What was that?

GEORGE: I think I had some hard candy in there.

Okay, I'm sure you don't have hard candy in your wallet, but you can be sure it is fatter than a slim money clip. Many money clips have issues for example magnetic money clips can damage your credit cards by erasing the information on your credit cards and bank cards. Another issue is the small size of many money clips where you cannot fit enough bills and cards to get you through the day or a week away.

The solution: A titanium money clip that looks good and has the elasticity to spring back and hold onto just one bill after holding your cash after payday.

Visit Superior Titanium today at To see more visit Money clips

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pink Titanium Money Clips!!

Money clips are not just for men anymore! That was the and that was the drive behind the creation of anodized PINK Titnaium money clips. Not only is pink a popular color with woman these days, but more and more woman are carrying around business cards and wearing suits. Two good reasons for a money clip, which can hold both business cards, credit cards and cash while being sleek enough to fit in a suit pocket without a big bulge. Plus don't forget the coolness factor of pulling out a wad of cash held securely with a pink titanium money clip!

Pink Titanium Money Clip

To see more visit pink titanium money clips

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Titanium guitar pick

Looking for that unique sound to set your band apart from others? Look no further than the following Superior Titanium's guitar picks are fabricated from commercially pure titanium and have a distinct sound. Give you and your band the "titanium edge"!

Titanium Guitar Pick

Saving one back at a time...with a titanium money clip??

Titanium money clips may not seem likely to help your back, but imagine no longer sitting on a big fat wallet that is throwing your spine for a loop! Visit .... just one of many sites advising you not to sit on your wallet.

Not only can our money clips hold cash, but also your credit cards, drivers license and more. Visit to see what we are talking about. Titanium offers the perfect combination of strength and flexibility allowing the money clip to snap back into shape after stretching around your cash on pay day and holding onto your last bill after a fun night out.

Titanium Money Clip

The money clips at Superior Titanium are slim enough to fit in your back pocket without an unsightly bulge and will slide to the side when you sit down to keep your rear happy.... way goodbye to that pain in the butt wallet!